Core Features

Learn the core features of Nx with in depth guides.

Run Tasks

Learn about the various ways you can use Nx to run tasks in your workspace.

Cache Task Results

Learn how to define cacheable tasks, how to fine-tune with inputs and outputs, where the cache is stored and much more.

Use Remote Caching

Learn how to enable remote caching s.t. you don't just benefit locally from it but also in CI.

Distribute Task Execution

Learn how to efficiently distribute tasks across machines to take full advantage of parallelization. Nx Cloud has a built-in DTE mechanism which makes this a trivial task.

Explore the Graph

Nx uses a graph behind the scenes to optimize your operations. You can also visualize and use the graph to better understand your workspace structure. Learn more in this guide.

Automate Updating Dependencies

Learn how Nx provides automated update scripts to help you keep your workspace, tooling and framework dependencies up to date.

Enforce Module Boundaries

Learn how to avoid dependency hell and scale a codebase by imposing constraints on your projects using the module boundary lint rule.

Integrate with Editors

Learn about Nx Console, an extension for VS Code and WebStorm.

Plugin Features

Learn what is a plugin, the different type of plugins and how to create one.